Anna Sutton

Anna Sutton

If you have been looking for inspiration and concrete examples of how to innovate and do law differently, I highly recommend Anna’s eBook, Legally Innovative. Since reading it we have implemented several ways of working Anna recommends. Her book challenges the legal...
Brianna Jones

Brianna Jones

I read Legally Innovative over the holidays and found it super thought provoking and inspiring to see how technology and a creative mindset can enhance the way we deliver legal services and solve complex problems! I highly recommend reading this book.
George Beaton

George Beaton

Anna has written a winner in Legally Innovative for lawyers of all stripes everywhere
Sarah Neill

Sarah Neill

While I’m not in the legal profession, I am passionate about innovation. Totally inspired, and impressed by Anna’s eBook, Legally Innovative. If you are in the legal profession, in innovation more generally, or just want to read a book that will make you think in a...
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